Virtuoses Romantiques – Grand Orchestra – 2.El Kaset


Virtuoses Romantiques – Grand Orchestra – 2.El Kaset

1 Richard Clayderman– A Comme Amour “L For Love”
2 Richard Clayderman– Couleur Tendresse
3 Richard Clayderman– L’amour Naufrage “Shipwrecked Love”
4 Richard Clayderman– Le Deuxieme Slow “The Second Slow”
5 Richard Clayderman– Regrets “The Sorrows”
6 Nicolas De Angelis– Amours Interdits (Jeux Interdits)
7 Nicolas De Angelis– Voyage
8 Nicolas De Angelis– Goa
9 Nicolas De Angelis– Asturias
10 Nicolas De Angelis– Sans Amour “Without Love”
11 Nicolas De Angelis– La Danse Du Sabre “The Dance Of The Sabre”
12 Nicolas De Angelis– Le Bal Des Adieux “The Farewell Ball”
13 Georges Schmitt Randall– La Passagere (The Passanger)
14 Georges Schmitt Randall– L’honneur D’anna Maria Conti
15 Georges Schmitt Randall– Oliver’s Song
16 Georges Schmitt Randall– Le Menuet Di Boccherini “Minuet Boccherini”
17 Georges Schmitt Randall– Triste Coeur “Melancholy Heart”
18 Georges Schmitt Randall– Theme D’anastasia “Anastasia Theme”
19 Georges Schmitt Randall– Badinerie

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Virtuoses Romantiques – Grand Orchestra – 2.El Kaset